
5 business benefits of managed document services

Written by Milan Vukovic | June 5, 2018

The digital age promised us paperless offices, but it seems we are drowning in more paper than ever. In fact, according to recent research by Forest Ethics, Australia is the largest consumer of paper products per capita in the world, with each person using a staggering 230 kg of paper every year. And much of this is generated by businesses, with the average worker using 10,000 sheets of paper each year.

But with mounting pressures to reduce overheads, improve productivity, become more sustainable and protect data more stringently, businesses need to be highly diligent about their document environment. This is where managed document services (MDS) comes in.

What is managed document services?

MDS is a solution provided by an external party that combines hardware, software, servicing and strategic consultancy to address all aspects of document management within the business, from infrastructure, capture and workflow, to security, archiving and storage.

You may be thinking, “I have MPS, so my printing processes are already managed.” However, MDS differs from a managed print service, or MPS, in that MPS focuses solely on the print operations of the business – that is, your printers, multifunction devices, networks and printing processes.

An MDS, on the other hand, takes a holistic approach to document management that goes well beyond printing, focusing on how documents are managed, delivered and stored across devices, networks and channels.

In short, MDS is not just about how your business handles printing – it’s about how your business handles the creation, movement and processing of information.

What are the benefits of managed document services?

A MDS delivers a range of hard and soft business benefits, including:

1. Reduced costs

This is typically the principal driver of MDS implementation; by rationalising print fleets, streamlining workflows, reducing consumption and minimising waste, MDS has proven to deliver a good ROI in a relatively short amount of time.

2. More stringent security and better regulatory compliance

Businesses have a responsibility to protect their customers’ data, particularly in the wake of recent regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme. Secure printing and authorised access to devices and document networks help prevent data breaches stemming from incidents such as accidental or intentional duplication of sensitive information.

3. Improved productivity

More efficient workflows and optimised device management means employees spend less time on administration and tech support, and more time on objectives that provide value to the business.

4. Improved sustainability

By reducing energy use and the consumption of consumables, such as paper and toner, a MDS can help your business become more environmentally friendly.

5. Optimised workflows and more efficient information processing

Streamlining workflows means information is collected and processed much faster, leading to better insights that can improve core business functions, such as customer service or product development, thereby leading to value creation.

How is managed document services implemented?

MDS is not a plug-and-play or out-of-the-box solution; in order to be as effective as possible, the solution must be tailor-made to fit your business. At KYOCERA, our MDS includes a five-step process: assessment, design, implementation, management and optimisation.

1. Assessment

To gain a thorough understanding of your business, we begin with a highly detailed data analysis of your current document or information output, identifying opportunities for cost savings, waste reduction, workflow improvement, and reduced environmental impact.

2. Design

Based on our findings, we design a customised solution that combines hardware, software and process development to perfectly fit your budget, targets and performance requirements, ensuring you get maximum ROI.

3. Implementation

A successful MDS solution is not simply about having the right devices and software; it’s also about instigating positive change in the business’s culture. A team of change management professionals works closely with you to implement the tailored solution, handling everything from installation to training, to ensure employee satisfaction and minimum disruption to your business.

4. Management

Our management service is committed to delivering optimised performance, reliability and cost-efficiency. With a range of on-site and remote support capabilities, we take care of your entire document infrastructure, keeping workflows at peak levels and looking after time-consuming daily admin, including automatic replenishment of consumables, fleet maintenance and performance reviews.

5. Optimisation

Your business is always evolving, and so should your MDS provider. We continue to analyse your fleet and workflows to find new ways to cut costs and improve performance, thereby delivering ongoing optimisation. We also provide regular assessments so you can clearly see the quantifiable benefits of the MDS, ensuring it meets your targets.

Ransomware attacks and phishing scams are on the rise, meaning it's more important than ever to ensure that your print and document environment is protected against cyber attacks. Book a free security audit today to find out exactly where your vulnerabilities are and how to mitigate them.