
3 business transformation challenges and obstacles in the digital age

Written by Mike Barrett | October 7, 2021

The modern business environment encourages companies to grow exponentially, yet many face obstacles to doing so, even at a local level. Everyday problems can soon become major business transformation challenges that prohibit further development if not handled effectively.

Fortunately, technology is here to help. Content Services allow firms to remove common issues, such as those related to file storage, access to information and employee resistance to change. We unpack the three main business transformation challenges below and how they can be barriers to growth.

1. Document storage

Information is invaluable to companies, however, file storage is an increasing challenge for businesses as the volume of data they manage grows. Some types of data must be stored in order to learn from and improve performance, while other kinds of information have to be protected and retained due to legal obligations. 

This generates a substantial cost. Organisations must budget not only for the filing cabinets that store the paperwork, or online storage space on the cloud or a server, but also for the extra space that it takes up in their office. This poses a transformation challenge to many companies that lack the physical space they need to store all of their documentation.

This alone is a major concern, however, with the rise of remote working practices and hybrid workforces, these file storage solutions have also created obstacles to document mobility. Remote employees who can’t access the information they need from a filing cabinet in the office or an on-site server are unable to work effectively. With hybrid work environments here to stay, it’s more important than ever for businesses to adopt secure document storage solutions that enable document mobility and increase productivity in the remote workplace.

2. Finding what you’re looking for

Another common business transformation challenge that organisations face is the struggle to quickly locate the right information. This leads to a substantial waste of resources in employee time as, rather than working on business growth tasks, they menially search through files and folders in search of the relevant data, whether digitally or in a paper filing cabinet.

In many cases, finding the data isn’t even the end of the dilemma as file incompatibility and conflicting versions present an additional challenge. This results in a major cost for businesses whose staff waste time tediously searching for information rather than using their skills to help the company to advance.

For organisations looking to reduce their costs and become more efficient, implementing a digital archiving solution with Content Services is a quick-fire way to improve productivity. This wasted time can be easily removed with the use of features such as indexing, version control and automated workflows.

3. Resistance to change

The final major transformation challenge is employees’ fear of change. The introduction of new technologies to the workplace can be met by resistance to change. In fact, 33% of Australian business leaders say that the biggest obstacle they face when introducing new technology is employee resistance to change.

In part though, this issue is also down to the way in which new technology is implemented. A poor communication strategy can cause problems with professionals being reluctant to adapt their workflows, or fearful that their job may be at risk.

“It is key for companies to go through a proper change management process to highlight why the system is worth it, and how it will help in achieving strategic targets and allowing the company to be prosperous," explains Mike Barrett, senior software solutions expert at Kyocera Document Solutions Australia. 

If executed well, companies can achieve the feat of having their employees embrace the new products and look to utilise them as much as possible in order to streamline their workflows.

Many of these business transformation challenges can be easily overcome with the right technology. However, it is not as simple as acquiring hardware or software. Instead, firms must plan a full digital transformation strategy in order to execute a transition towards increased digitisation and automation effectively. When following a clear path to efficiency, businesses stand to gain substantially and can overcome their biggest concerns with ease.

Businesses are handling more documents and data than ever before, and many are struggling to keep up. The answer to this challenge lies in using modern technologies such as Content Services to drive business efficiency and growth. Download the ebook today to learn more.